spring cleaning business

So, we have just heard the news that lockdown in Melbourne has been extended yet again.  Cue the sad music! Let’s look at the bright side.  You know those tasks that you have always been meaning to get around to, or you can’t quite find the time to delegate?

It’s time to do just that!

With lockdown forcing many businesses to operate at reduced capacity, or not at all, now could be the perfect opportunity to turn your list upside-down and tackle these long-forgotten jobs. You know, you might even find it therapeutic for the soul.  

After all it is nearly Spring!!

Here are 10 reasons to spruce up for Spring!

  1. E-mail Clean Up.

Have you let your inbox get out of hand?  It’s time to start a cull.  Delete, archive, file and label where possible.

  1. Check Your Contacts.

You want to make sure you are sending e-mails to the correct contacts, right?  Now is the time to bring up your contact list and check phone numbers, email addresses and job titles.  Delete the ghosts and you should be left with a more accurate target audience. 

  1. Re-organise Your Suppies.

Chances are, you probably have some frustrations when it comes to where things are stored or accessed.  A little re-organising can save you a lot of time when you want to get things out in a hurry when it’s business as usual.

  1. Review Your E-mail Campaign.

When was the last time that you did this?  Have a good read through and check that the emails still represent your business and what you do.  If your priorities have changed, or you have newer products or services to offer, revamp your emails to include them.  It might be a good idea to try out some different approaches so that you can determine what works best.

  1. Review Your Tone of Voice.

A business is ever-evolving beast, and your identity is unlikely to stay the same forever.  As a result, your website, emails, brochures and social media can start to look and sound out of date.  If this is the case, it’s a good idea to start planning some new brand guidelines and think about how you want your business is to be represented – something that would catch the attention of your ideal customer.  It might also be a good idea to start planning ahead with your social media posts.

  1. Save Some Cash.

We all know the potential money-saving results switching suppliers can be, however finding the time to do an in-depth comparison can be challenging.  

Say that you are a loyal customer of a faceless energy supplier, or bank for a long time, now is a great time to review your options, particularly as you can save some money in the process.  

Go on comparison sites, read the small print and see if you can save costs where you can.  Every cent helps!

  1. Give your Procedures a Polish.

When was the last time you went over your processes and procedures?  Have you made updates since you created them?  Lockdown can be a perfect time to sit down and take stock of these.  

If you want to give things a Spring clean, read through your processes and check that they are still relevant to your business and fit for purpose.  Checking that management reviews and audits are up to date won’t hurt either.

  1. Do Some Analysis.

Running regular reports to check your sales rates, the success of your marketing campaigns, or even social media reach, can often fall by the wayside.  So, set up a few reports and analyse the results to see if there are any tweaks you can implement to give your business a boost.  This may just even reveal your best customers and inspire you to find new ways of reaching out to new contact for existing business opportunities. 

  1. Get Ready For The Tax Man.

Why not take the time to get your books in order?  If you tend to stuff receipts into random files, or do all of your book-keeping in a mad rush, it can be a great idea to take the pressure off and get yourself sorted while you have the time.

  1. Refresh Your Business Plan

After such an unprecedented situation, it’s very possible that you have to rethink some of your business strategies.

As a result, digging out your business plan and giving it a revamp can help you to prepare for these new realities.  It may also help to take a look at your old ambitions and see how far you have come.  To keep things positive, set yourself some new realistic goals that you can either start working on now, or once you are back at work.

Need a Helping Hand?

You don’t have to do it alone!  

If this all seems a bit daunting, and you require some assistance, please visit www.areteservices.com.au, or email admin@areteservices.com.au to arrange a chat.

The Greatest Wealth is Health!

Overwhelmed in business

Running a business is hard enough without a global pandemic. Now small business owners, senior leaders and managers have been left reeling in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether your business has closed or is still operating, it’s worth reading this article from Beyond Blue, with tips and strategies to help you through the toughest of times. 

It is really important to maintain a good sense of wellbeing in these tough times.  So if things seems overwhelming, you may need some assistance. Using the services of a Virtual Assistant can help you alleviate some of that business stress. Here are reasons why having a Virtual Assistant is good for your health and your overall well being.

There are a lot of moving pieces that have to be taken care of day in and day out. Then you have the stress of getting clients, and keeping them happy, whilst making sure that it remains profitable.

  • It is like having someone else to share the burdens of running your business with.
  • A VA is not your actual “employee” they are their own independent contractor.  You get the work completed without having to worry about all the things that come with employing staff.
  • A VA can tackle those things in your business that you always try to get to, or that you have been putting off.  You know you should do them, you know you want to do them, you just haven’t had the time.
  • Networking. VA’s most likely have other clients and contacts. This can be helpful when you have new projects, or tasks. If your VA can’t do the work themselves they probably know someone who can.
  • VA’s can be a great sounding board for new ideas.
  • Grow your business. VA’s can complete the day-to-day tasks so you are free to focus on actually growing your business and doing what you do best. Or you can task your VA with reaching out to new clients and contacts, or creating new project to help grow your business.

When you hire a good VA they become so much more than an assistant and become more of a Team Member! They can really help you take a deep breath and to charge of your business since you know someone else is there looking out for you!

Contact me today to see how I can help.

Working from home with your pet can make you more productive.

cat work from home

There are many distractions when you work from home. Those of us that work remotely already know this, but there are many people now finding it out. Having a pet around can be a good distraction.

Lucy Devine, from Tyla, is one of those that is adjusting to this current new way of life. In this article “Why Working From Home With Your Pet Actually Makes You More Productive“, she shares an insight into how having a pet around can create a structure into your working day. It has been reported that bringing your animal into your workplace increased motivation and reduced stress, so working from home with them can have similar benefits.

Tips to help us get through these unprecedented times.

My home is my office. I am used to working in my own space and on my terms. Tomorrow, my workplace is going to be very different, with the announcement of school closures.

If you are like me, or you have been advised to work from home in these unprecedented times, here are some great tips from Brittany Harker Martin, Associate Professor, Leadership, Policy & Governance, University of Calgary. https://theconversation.com/5-expert-tips-for-working-from-home-in-a-crowded-house-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic-133967

Do you need more hours in the day to get everything done?


hurry stress time

Have you stopped to think how many hours a week that you are working, or do you not have time for that?

From the article in the Guardian, “Do you work more than 39 hours a week? Your job could be killing you” , 15 January, 2018, written by Peter Fleming, he points out that ” Overwork has become the norm in many companies – something expected and even admired”, but how has it come to this?

Making more time can be as easy as making a list and delegating some of your standard operating procedures (S.O.P).  If you haven’t got any, if not all of these procedures handled by someone else, you may be wasting your valuable time, when you could be helping grow your company. 

Let us help you with your administration and marketing tasks.  Contact us today.

Is a Virtual Assistant the right choice for me?

Are you an entrepreneur/business owner who needs some help managing the the tasks at hand with running your business?

Are the little tasks becoming overwhelming?

The attached link “Virtual Assistant vs Employee“, published by Social Savvy Geek, gives an insight into the convenience of hiring a virtual assistant.

If a Virtual Assistant is what you are looking for, contact Arete Administrative and Marketing services today, or e-mail admin@areteservices.com.au



Get organised! The importance of making a checklist.

Life and business questions

Being organised is a very important part of being a successful business and one of the best ways to get answers to those six important questions, is to make a list.

In an article written by journalist Darlena Cunha, a writer and editor since 2003, “The Importance of Checklists“, she describes how creating a checklist is the best practice for a business to improve efficiency and minimise mistakes.  It “creates a basic framework you can look back on, it will be easier to pinpoint any troubles before they make their way down the pike”.

You can find many lists on the internet that can help you from a business, or personal perspective,  these include “Daily Checklists”, “To Do” lists and “Self Care” lists….. the list goes on (pardon the pun)……

Let Arete help you.  We can help you tick off the tasks that are on your list, or help you create that list for your specific needs.  Contact us at admin@areteservices.com.au today.

What All Businesses Should Know About Carers Leave

Winter has arrived in Australia!sneezing sick allergy

Research indicates, winter is notorious for an increase in staff taking sick leave & carer’s leave. It can cost your business thousands in lost productivity.  The following article, sourced from Employsure (November 13, 2015 –Last Updated On: April 30, 2018), “Leave Entitlements – 11 Things To Know“, helps explain what businesses need to be aware of.

Enquire about our virtual assistance today at admin@areteservices.com.au




Essential Tasks at End of Financial Year (EOFY)

The end of the financial year is fast approaching.  It is an important time for small businesses, completing bookkeeping, tax returns and planning for the new financial year.  Putting the extra work in before each new financial year, can help you get your business organised and work smarter in the year ahead.

Click here for some essential tasks for your end of financial (EOFY) year to-do list from the Australian Government.